Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Shout Out! LILY!!!!!!!!!!

Good Morning!!!!

   I am looking forward to Thanksgiving! I hope you are too! So much good food, surrounded by friends and family. Reminiscing on all the things your grateful for. It always good to recap on what God has done for you. What he delivered you from, situations he helped you through. Even the people he's placed in your life! So much to be thankful for. Just having your health, is a miracle with in itself. If you think on all these things, you can't help but smile. So make a great day for someone today, help someone. Make them laugh, encourage them.

Moving on........




Some of you might have meet her at WWC for the first time... She is so much fun to be around, super sweet too! Just so you know, it's her bday!  Happy BDAY! :))))) Day before thanksgiving too.

Have a great thanksgiving :) Don't shop to hard. Buy me something. haha jk jk




  1. ELIAS!!!!! Un amigo siempre sabe cómo hacer el día de un amigo! Tu has hecho eso! ¡Muchas gracias! Thank you for remembering my 20th Bday! Am I know an elder??? :P

  2. @ Mary, Yeah she is!

    @ Lily, Yes! Welcome to the land of the Elderly! haha And also, no prob :)

  3. Lily is one of the most amazing girls ever!!! Such a sweetheart!!!

  4. @ Alyssa, hi!

    Yeah she is!

    Happy New Years :)
